
There are a few templates available when building a new page. You can also go to any page and save it as a template for use. *Bolded text indicates saved template name.

To save a new template:

  • Go to the page and open the Beaver Builder editor
  • Click the left dropdown
  • Select “Save Template” and name your template
  • It will now be available from the Saved tab – you can choose to replace an existing template or append the template to you page (if you need to use parts of it but delete other modules).

  1. Starter Template: This is a good place to start for most subpages. It includes several common modules already added. You can delete/add based on your needs.
  2. Template: 2-Column Intro, No Sidebar: This layout mimics the About page, including a 2-column paragraph intro with no sidebar.

  3. Template: No Sidebar: This layout contains an intro section but no sidebar. It is best used with full-width content sections.

  4. Template: No Sidebar + Blue Border Boxes: This layout mimics the Talent & Workforce page, with an intro section but no sidebar.

  5. Template: Sidebar + Blue Border Boxes: This layout mimics the Target Industries page, with an intro section and sidebar.